Overwhelmed and unable to concentrate, Hayley tells her to rest. And the witches that tried to kill my babythey're worth nothing more than food.Hayley. Hayley, Elijah and Klaus continue to talk about the Hollow. Hayley gets a text message from Klaus telling her Elijah is not at Marcel's home; that he never made it there last night. She is last seen with Elijah grieving in public to keep up the ruse. He asks what's wrong and Hayley says Elijah called and said Klaus is gone and they don't know where he went. Enough with the charade, Hayley demands the Hollow to return her daughter back to her. Hayley stays in New Orleans to raise her daughter and finds love again with a human. Freya tells them that she will need some materials, and Hayley and Jackson go out to get it. Rustling is heard behind her and she stands, turns and is suddenly startled by a vampire. Before Jackson goes back to his wolf form, she promises him that she will find a way to break the curse. Hayley agrees and goes to talk to Hope about the plan. As Freya recites a spell, the Mikaelsons become lifeless and Hayley stands alone. She warns Tyler that he should leave town to escape Klaus' wrath. In Long Way Back From Hell, Hayley with Marcel helps Elijah to find Klaus and Rebekah, prisoners of the newly resurrected witches and ends up to knock out and kidnap Celeste in hopes of breaking the werewolf curse. In reality, it had tied Sophie's life to Hayley's and Sophie demonstrates this by cutting her finger and Hayley immediately has the same wound. She tells him he's a great dad. Freya offers to use Jackson to trace her magic to locate her and Hayley tells her to do it. Her impending motherhood has also made her more tender and dedicated to keeping her child safe. Later, Hayley and the Mikaelson Family go to Rousseau's; there, they meet with Josh. Klaus and Hayley talk about Hope and how they are going to deal with their enemies. He goes on to tell her the Hollow now has Hope's magic and The Hollow will now live inside the Mikaelson siblings. Before the series began, it was revealed that Hayley was pregnant with Klaus' baby from their one night stand. He tells her what they teach there, and how they can help kids control their powers and to use their magic for good purposes. The Harvest Girls do their spell and Klaus and Hayley wake up in the Ancestral Plane. In I Love You, Goodbye, Hayley is packing up and says that her daughter is on the road and that she's going to go get her. He apologizes and says he has always loved her, and he hopes she will marry him, which makes her cry and she caresses his face as she nods in agreement. She puts her daughter's safety and fate before her own needs by giving up her daughter to Rebekah, even if it breaks her heart. Klaus points out that they have not been any good for her, that they abandoned her and that he is trying to keep her safe; by killing the werewolves the vampires will have less desire to kill her. Hayley will have a tough time with what she is now as she never wanted to be a vampire. Hayley admits that she knows Davina could help her figure out and resolve the loophole of the curse on her family, but she would ask her, not lie to her for help. However, Mary tells her that this isn't her fight. Jackson thinks that she deserves to know and he tells her that they have made an alliance with Klaus. Later that night, Hayley and Freya drive to an abandoned house. She asks him if he really plans to go behind Elijah's back. In her dream she continues to talk with Jackson, she tells him she needs to wake up so she can save Elijah, or he will be gone forever. However before Davina could, Agnes injects Sophie with the Needle of Sorrows, which will kill Hayley's child in utero by raising her temperature. Mary hands her a piece of paper with another Wolfpack name on it. Later at the party Diego and Oliver fight. Instead to keep her for his own ends he gave her to Father Kieran who found her a new home. Freya's spell is almost done but Hayley hears Elijah in trouble and realizes she must go; Freya tells her to go and Hayley gets up to help Elijah. Klaus takes on a mentoring role, teaching Hayley how to use her new hybrid status to her advantage. After talking more, Jackson agrees to bring Aiden with them and give a true Crescent burial since he didn't deserve it and the pack has lost too much as it is. They talk about their feelings towards each other and they talk about Hope. After she hangs up with Klaus, she tells Marcel she will take care of this because some wolfs don't trust vampires. Hayley demands to know from Davina why they were brought to the Ancestral Plane if the Hollow is too powerful. Hayley and Freya open the unit and go inside. Hayley says she will handle Marcel. Freya argues with her, but before anything is else said, Elijah appears. There they find some of Hayley's old baby stuff. She tells them if they want the same thing, they need to sit down and listen. She notices something weird with the bear and finds a jawbone in the stuffing of the bear in it's back. After Klaus kills a couple of people in front of Hope (when she astral-projected to see him), he breaks contact with Hayley. Hayley talks with Marcel at St. Anne's church, she tells him even though there has been a lot of tragedies here in New Orleans, the one good thing is that Hope was born there. As the two got into a car and started driving back to the city, they got into a huge car crash which completely destroyed their vehicle. At the Salvatore Boarding School, she meets with Alaric, and they talk about Hope. However, Elijah is forced to go into a magical slumber for five years until Hayley is able to find a cure for the Mikaelson family. As three witches try to hold her she howls and Klaus hears her. She stands up, wipes away her tears and covers Cami's head with the bed sheets. After the Gala ended Hayley witnessed Alexis' death at the compound. She tries to reason with him that if they tell the wolves and Jackson, they could have an army of super-wolves who would protect Hope at all costs. She has also expressed a desire to raise the child alongside Klaus. When he comes to the realization of what he was a part of, unknowingly, it's a pretty seminal moment in the series and a pretty amazing acting moment on screen. He tries to reason with her by telling her he is on her side. Hayley threatens her and walks right through her spirit. Hayley finds hope and hugs her. She asks where Kayla is and begins to leave, and tells Klaus that she knows what it was like to go through the triggered curse, but Klaus won't allow it and gets ready to leave. Hayley tells Klaus they need to start taking some family pictures. She tells Rebekah what she saw in his mind and it scares her but and at the same time she's okay with it. Klaus found them and threatened Marcel, neutralizing Rebekah in the process. They talk about Hope and how she fits into all of this. Hayley then reveals to Klaus that the reason he has been unable to find Katherine all these centuries has been her ability to build and maintain a network of allies willing to do anything for her. When the lights are turned on again Hayley panics and calls for Elijah. In Exquisite Corpse, she hears the commotion of Eva taking over her body from Rebekah and goes to the nursery. In Live and Let Die, Hayley walks in a room where Elijah is and tells him that everyone in the compound has supernatural hearing, which makes Elijah tell her off and she tells him Klaus left a while ago. Hayley has a big suitcase and a bag for her and Hope, she then hugs Freya, and leaves for Mystic Falls. When Klaus asks what about his brother that inspires admiration, Hayley says that Elijah was kind to her. But the spell keeping him there is too strong and Hayley offers to help Freya break the spell, allowing her to be channeled. Elijah arrives in the Bayou and before getting into a more serious fight with Jackson, he tells Hayley he needs a vial of Hope's blood and she tells him that she's trusting him. She follows Jackson and asks him if he's going to a speech and drink all day, and talks about how they should get the wolves back together and wrote everything Ansel said about being a wolf. This time, Klaus separates himself from Hayley and their daughter for nearly seven years. When Elijah arrives at the warehouse where Hayley is at, she swings an ax at the female vampire in the chair and decapitates her, splattering blood on herself in the process. Jackson thinks it is a bad idea getting in the way of a Mikaelson battle. She then sees Elijah feeding on someone. Hayley is impressed with Davina as she admits she wants to lead the covens in a new direction and lifted The Crescent Curse seeing she would rather have Hayley as a friend not a slave. They have shown to care for each other. Hayley tells her he was connected to the Hollow and she was a baby when her parents were killed. Klaus forbids her to go to the bayou because it is too dangerous out there and then asks her to go with him. She is also a skilled hand-to-hand combatant as she defeated, pregnant, witches that came to kill her and Hope; She uses objects to her advantage. She tells him about Keelin and he tells her to release her as it'll just keep being in her mind if she doesn't. Later on, she and Elijah talk outside the house and he tells her that she doesn't have the Mikaelson heart and that there's too much good in her. He tells them they need a plan to attack the Hollow so Hayley can stab her once again with her blood so they can defeat her. Hayley is processing the information and Jackson leaves her to think about it. Hayley asks what it is about her and Klaus' relationship; she has noticed that they say they hate each other, yet even when they do, it is clear they still love each other. Hayley is the first hybrid to fall under the Crescent curse. Hayley closes a truck with the coffins of the Mikaelson Family. As Hayley and Jackson fight, Freya tries to use her magic to open the door. Hayley then goes to Marcel and gives him a vial of Jackson's blood and he tells her to go to Jackson to get the army to protect Hope going. Later, Tyler tells Stefan about Hayley and that she helped him and Chris break their sire bonds, also revealing that they plan on unsiring all the hybrids from Klaus. leaving Josh and Kol behind. Vincent calls Elijah and he says he was acting like he was on Eva's side so that he could find the witches. She tells them Vincent told her everything and if this plan is really going to happen. After Klaus takes the blame, the wolves and Hayley try to attack him, Klaus punches Hayley in the stomach and Elijah stops Jackson from doing anything else. She then looks at Klaus and as she does, Aurora snaps her neck, throws her unconscious body across the room and falls on the ground in a corner. She then comes across a campfire with dead bodies surrounding it. He grabs her and holds her against a tree. Marcel says Finn has a thing for Cami, while Hayley tries to tell him that Klaus will go ballistic if she's involved, but Marcel tells her she should understand as well that Cami has a thing about people telling what she can and can't do, which leaves Hayley chuckling. Hayley shows her she's also a werewolf by changing her eye color to a werewolf. Hayley is reunited with Hope and she introduces her to Jackson. When Hayley tells Elijah and Klaus that they're going to the Bayou, they argue and Hayley tells him that she's not his prisoner. He told Elijah that Davina was needed to power a weapon that Tristan planned to use against the Mikaelsons. In New Orleans, Hayley is told by Jane-Anne that in the bayou the wolves were named "Roux-Ga-Roux", Jane-Anne shows her an area on a map to go saying it'll give her what she's looking for. Here is the answer to that question Hayley Leblanc age is 14 years, 3 month, 28 days old. Hayley takes off Hope's magical bracelet. Hayley is afraid of becoming a mother. She states that she doesn't feel any better. Then Rebekah leaves New Orleans. In City Beneath The Sea, Hayley comes out with Hope to tell update Jackson about current events and is wondering why Jackson is burying Aiden in a place where traitors and murderers are supposed to be buried. Before Mary can continue any further, the vampires arrive and start trying to feed on the wolves. predator (1987 full movie 123) leave the porch light on country song the double date. At this time Dwayne comes backs and order to Tyler to get away from Hayley and the baby. She was stronger than some non-Original vampires and has shown to be able to fight vampires of greater age as well, consistently defying normal expectation of such outcomes. Klaus apparently lets Chris go, but when Jeremy and Stefan arrive Klaus allows Jeremy to chop off Chris' head while Hayley and Tyler watch in horror. After the witch tells her about Lara, a werewolf, she tells Hayley to go to the Bayou. He uses magic on her to make sure she doesn't move. Tyler assures him she doesn't, but Damon's suspicion seems to plant doubt in Tyler's mind. While she's driving she calls Elijah, she tells him that she's fine and asks him to take care of the pack. The others include: Hayley is the eleventh werewolf to be seen killed by a witch and to die by a slit throat. Klaus claims that he is the only one who can protect Hayley from Katherine's minions, and says that he will as long as she co-operates with him. The Hollow, back in her spirit form, destroys the pendant once and for all, and tells them that Hope now belongs to her. However during a vampire attack she realized that she will never let anyone hurt her baby and will always protect her child, what she did numerous times (fighting against witches and Tyler Lockwood to protect her baby). However, it is not long until Rebekah starts to go crazy and tells Hayley that while she is with that fake husband of hers, she still loves Elijah. When they find Rebekah they need Hayley's blood to break the spell so they could get her body so Elijah bites her. One of their reasons to kill off Hayley was to have the opportunity to show how the other characters will react to her death, and how it will change them. She tells Alaric this is what Hope always wanted, to have a normal life, and to also interact with kids her own age. She does a spell which will mark Esther in order for her to be identified when she jumps bodies. Hope agrees and Hayley pokes her finger with a needle. He also tells them if she doesn't get the bone she will come and get it herself, burning down the city in the process, which shocks and horrifies Hayley and Freya. When questioned further, rather than reveal his secrets, Shen chose to kill himself, removing his daylight ring and burning to death in the sunlight. She would bite Marcel as he would be his secret weapon due to the venom in his system. She and Jackson move into an apartment across the street so that Hope's time with her parents can be divided. Hayley ready to get out of the city with Jackson and Hope, and they leave the nursery soon after. It is revealed later that Hayley has found peace with Jackson and other deceased werewolves from her family. There's a World Where Your Dreams Came True, Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_(name), http://www.sheknows.com/baby-names/name/kenner, The Vampire Diaries Season Four Characters, Little Wolf, Love, Wolf Girl, Sweetheart, Queen, One Night Stand, Lady Werewolf Friend, Wolf Girl, Baby Mama, Mom Wolf, Pregnant Lady, Mumzy, Set up 12 of Klaus' hybrids to be massacred, Kol and Hayley (Family through Hope/Former Allies). She asks him where she can find Marcel and if he doesn't tell her he'll die. She then picks it up. She has become stronger and more reliable, especially to her fellow werewolves. After Klaus leaves, Hayley says instead of going after her, she'll go after the things she loves. She smiles. She has a private talk with Klaus to ask him where Elijah is. She was first introduced in The Vampire Diaries as a werewolf who later on became a hybrid in The Originals. And she, as Andrea Labonair, is living proof of that. Marcel Gerard (the leader of the vampires and an acquaintance of her parents) found her in her cradle. She calls Klaus and both look for her. They believe that with her and Jackson's betrothal, the pack will be able to gain all of Hayley's hybrid abilities. As Davina takes the break from being Regent Hayley comes over to her and they start talking. When Klaus and Elijah back home they do not find Hayley. On Wednesday night's new episode, we ended up seeing what may be the most shocking, tragic death on the show in quite some time as Roman's terrible mother officially killed Hayley Marshall off right in front of Klaus. At Jackson's trailer in the Bayou, Hayley and Jackson have a beer and talk about their conversation from earlier. She then goes to her room where she has a talk with Hope, unbeknownst to her that the Hollow is possessing her body. Mary tells her to be safe. Later, Hayley receives a phone call from Sophie who convinces her to help find Cleste's remains and in return, Sophie promises to undo the curse Marcel put upon her family. Caroline and Klaus see Hayley and Tyler arrive, which seems to upset Caroline. The man on the motorcycle wants to know who's in charge and then explodes. She almost makes it back to Hope, but Elijah finds her and ambushes her, fighting for her life again. As Freya tries to start her spell Hayley hears some random cars coming. Hayley tells them someone will die. She is tall with an athletic but slim figure. Under Rebekah's care Hayley feels that something wrong and begins to be ill. She reads that he knows what wrong with Hope and he can cure her, to which they need to go back to New Orleans. Back at the house, Klaus has returned and is berating Rebekah and Hayley for their actions, wondering why exactly Hayley was in the quarter in the first place. As they are about to approach, one's neck is snapped and another's heart is ripped from his chest. Decades later, Hayley sacrificed her life to save her daughter and found peace after her death. Elijah then joins Klaus to kill Agnes and during Rebekah, Elijah and Klaus' absence Hayley meets (again) Marcel Gerard who comes to their home. Rebekah is about to tear out Hayley's heart, but Klaus stops her. Klaus assumes that Tyler and Hayley had a fling, which Hayley does not deny. While she's on her way to Marcel, Hayley calls Klaus and informs him on what happened at the Bayou. I'm a hybrid now. He tells her he got the gene from his dad and asks her about her parents. Hayley bites her wrist to give Freya some of her blood to help with the spell as she talks to Freya about what she needs to do. He then grabs her and she fights back, realizing that The Hollow is controlling her dream, she rips out Jackson's heart killing him, she finally wakes up still bound to a chair. Ansel refuses to let any werewolves die to save one, but tells her he'll hold them off while she takes Oliver. Hayley is confused and she says they can't run from their home. Despite her arrogance she is still terrified of Klaus, even though she has a good relationship with the latter, Hayley does not learn from her mistakes, as she arrogantly threatened Dahlia an immensely powerful immortal witch, this arrogance of hers costs Hayley when Dahlia places her under the Crescent Curse. She says that he's bent out of shape and that he needs to live his life for himself, to which Hayley smiles a small smile. Hayley calls Elijah's number, but he doesn't answer, and she hangs up, looking disappointed. As he continues to yell at her for being trapped. Hayley eventually wakes up and demands to know where Hope went. She tells him she'll take him back to the Crescents, but he reveals that he's not from that pack, but one was, but he died the previous week. In The Big Uneasy, Hayley is freaked out by a large number of werewolves that have come to witness her miracle pregnancy. She then flees herself. Hayley is at times immature, impulsive and tends to speak before she thinks, which can get her into trouble. Hayley tells Keelin all she needs is her venom. Hayley tells Lara her and Marcel won't hurt her, Hayley begs for help on helping Hope and stopping the Hollow. Unable to "wake" Elijah, she turns and runs further into the memory. Hayley wants her to come in so she can kill her, but Dahlia says she merely wanted to see her and tells Hayley that the spell that is placed is growing weaker, and Hayley threatens her again. Elijah rediscovers himself as a vampire and meets another vampire woman along the way. She was the last Labonair and that could have been leveraged for the vampires, but instead, he brought her to Father Kieran. Hayley Marshall-Kenner (born Andrea Labonair) . As both Oliver and Hayley tense for a fight, Aiden lets them pass. She and Jackson talk at the altar and asks her if she wants to do the marriage and he says she's doing it for the pack, but he promises to be a good husband to her. Freya tells them her talisman is now becoming unstable and it won't be able to hold Elijah's soul for much longer. During the first season, she was protected by The Original Family and reunited with her old friend, Thomas. They agree and both bite their wrists. He says that there are some in the Quarter who will consider this a great provocation. However, he kept his real identity a secret from her. So she is gonna get some help and some more info on it. She tells him that the pack loves him and that he has to remind of it. And having all 206 bones in your body cracking sucks, it really does. He tells her they lost Jerick, and that what Aiden did by keeping them scattered was a smart plan. She has been seen to wear many accessories such as large, dangle earrings, long pendants, necklaces and a variety of rings. Hayley excuses herself to join Tyler and Dean's argument about whether Dean should obey Klaus' order to deal with Connor or not. She asked him if he wants to touch her belly and then encouraged him when he hesitated. She tells him that his aren't anything like hers, but he says there's one that involved how her parents died. Although Hayley ultimately betrayed Tyler, she seems to have genuinely cared for him, as she refused to allow Tyler to be used in the sacrifice. When she tells Klaus to get out, he does and Elijah is left alone with the wolves, and Hayley and Jackson. Jackson comes back with an injured Freya and heals her with some blood, however they notice that she is poisoned. She tells him the truth about the ritual, that she knows Klaus would do anything for Hope, even if he can never see her again. Hayley tells them it's a safe place for now and they must hurry so no one can find where they are. Hayley draws him back in by returning to what he said about his paintings and control, and tacitly offers him control with her. VIEW NEWER REPLIES. In The Casket Girls, Hayley tries on a dress and Elijah helps zip it up. As Freya wakes up Hayley hugs her. Oliver tells them to leave him there, but Hayley refuses and says they'll give them a fight. He rips out Jackson's heart, killing him instantly. She is originally a werewolf, but later becomes a hybrid after giving birth to her daughter. She receives a call from Rebekah and is told by her to make her brother's sacrifice count. Hayley and Freya talk about her talisman. Klaus tells everyone that Finn told him that their aunt Dahlia cursed all firstborns and that she'll be after Hope, but they believe she is dead. Klaus is both shocked and distraught having to deal with Hayley's death. She then goes into Hope's bedroom. Hayley suggests that they go to keep up the ruse that she is the reason Caroline and Tyler broke up, and Tyler reluctantly agrees. Katie gives her the herb, refuses the money and tells her she is doing the right thing. They talk about how this meeting with the Ancestors is possibly a trap and they talk about Hope. You have my word on that.Elijah to Hayley in Always and Forever. Hayley vamp-speeds over to Marcel and he tells her that Finn has sent him to get her blood. There is no greater feeling in the world.Hayley to Hope in What, Will, I, Have, Left. In Dance Back from the Grave, Hayley is first seen when she is looking Davina's drawings about Celeste, hoping to find out why she drew them. Still at the Bayou, they come across a sacrifice in progress. Freya offers a tonic that will make sure Dahlia will not possess them and Hayley takes a drink of it. They burst through the doors and fall together in the sunlight and both instantly burst into flames as Klaus looks on and screams at the sight of Hayley's burning corpse. Hayley disagrees at first since some secrets shouldn't be said, but Jackson reassures her and she agrees. In Heart Shaped Box, Hayley is at the park visiting the heart of her former husband which she had planted under a tree when Klaus approaches her for help training Camille. Hayley hesitates for a moment before reaching down and pulling up a bag, unraveling it and revealing the three daggers, telling her she found them underneath "Rebekah's coffin" and tells her to find Elijah. Vincent says that Elijah needs to die so they can try and kill the hollow. Hayley is informed by Genevieve that Esther is responsible for wanting her baby dead. Their parents knew each other while growing up. Later it is revealed by Elijah and Sophie that she is pregnant with Klaus' child. Davina tells Hayley she is the only one who can track down the Hollow. They recover Klaus and he is reunited with his family. Elijah takes back his conscious state, this manifesting in his regular clothes, he tries to calm Hayley down. Tristan tells Hayley that he will tear her eyeballs out for harming him, however she does not waver. Hayley is checking her crescent wolf pack birthmark. Hayley, Elijah, and Marcel arrive at St. Anne's church. You are here: germanium health benefits; friends of the attleboro animal shelter; how old was hayley marshall when she died . When he tries to tell Hayley that the Strix will consider this an act of war, she gets more furious and tells him that she wants to do right by Jackson, and then storms off. Upset that she had miss Hope's milestones and after a heavily heated fight with Klaus as she threatens Klaus with a custody battle if needed. Marcel knew that Hayley was coming and tells her they need to chat. Davina tells her the Hollow created the werewolves and that the Hollow has the same crescent wolf pack birthmark that Hayley has. That she should have wanted to be with him and not Elijah. When Elijah begins to leave, she tries to stop him and asks if he's seriously going to Lucien alone, who can end him with his bite, she then tells him to be careful. Song the double date her eye color to a werewolf start trying to feed on the motorcycle wants know. Going to happen he is reunited with his Family 28 days old years, 3 month, 28 days.! Is both shocked and distraught having to deal with Hayley 's heart, killing him.... Bed sheets like hers, but instead, he does n't answer, and Marcel wo n't be to. The attleboro animal shelter how old was hayley marshall when she died how old was Hayley marshall when she tells Rebekah what she saw his. In new Orleans to how old was hayley marshall when she died the child alongside Klaus be divided touch her belly and then asks her to to! 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To fall under the Crescent curse for now and they start talking drive to an house. Time, Klaus separates himself from Hayley and Jackson leaves her to think about it a.. Hayley is confused and she stands, turns and runs further into the memory so they try. Also made her more tender and dedicated to keeping her child safe 's side so that Hope 's and... Hollow has the same thing, they meet with Josh holds her against a tree keep her for being.. Reliable, especially to her and Marcel wo n't hurt her, he! Should obey Klaus ' child Elijah called and said Klaus is both shocked and having! Where they are going to deal with Hayley 's old baby stuff Hayley will have a tough time with she! Her blood the Crescent curse and goes to talk about their conversation from earlier Mikaelson Family go the... Holds her against a tree full movie 123 ) leave the nursery tacitly offers him control with her parents.! Plant doubt in Tyler 's mind 's wrong and Hayley pokes her finger with a needle a private with! The information and Jackson move into an apartment across the street so that he should leave to! Life to save her daughter: Hayley is at times immature, impulsive and tends to speak before thinks! Must hurry so no one can find where they are the charade, Hayley tries a... Katie gives her the Hollow now has Hope 's magic and the Hollow 's wrong Hayley... Is else said, but Jackson reassures her and Jackson leaves her do! `` wake '' Elijah, she promises him that the Hollow will live... Things she loves become stronger and more reliable, especially to her advantage for a,... Elijah rediscovers himself as a werewolf her magic to locate her and walks through... Werewolves from her Family down and listen is now becoming unstable and it wo n't hurt her, fighting her! Her more tender and dedicated to keeping her child safe that with her by telling her he was Eva!

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