In the 53 years since I started karate training, I have trained with both Okinawan and Japanese instructors, and found both systems to be beneficial and useful. Ate (ah-teh)- smash. After reading this article i can really see that Okinawan Karate has such a different 'mindset' than Japanese Karate does. Deadliest Animals. What did people wear for training pre 1920's? For full details visit, Hello to everyone, I have got some question about karate stances. It is obvious to see that Japanese karate had and influence on my predominately Okinawan style that is taught in the states. The stances are always natural, while the kata number is 21. Perfect article!There's only one Okinawan Karate dojo in my town(Uechi Ryu Karate) and you made me wanna begin walking in that path! This contrasting experience has really helped me to get more from my karate. Get over it! It can be used to block, stab, trap or strike. How this convention fits into traditional karate training is a key question highlighted by the authors discussion. I'm a Shodokan lineage Goju-ryu practitioner, our school also does Ryuei-ryu kobudo, and my wife used to practice Shotokan. With kokutsu-dachi, specifically, it existed and still exists on Okinawa, so I would say it is a traditional stance. it is not the original form, but part of a deliberate Almost everyone I know that comes from Shorin-Ryu understands that our origin is Shaolin Kung Fu. Shuri-te and Naha-te. Thanks! Interesting articles to read through - thanks again Jesse :), iam an indian 61 years old practising karate and a 4th dan in grandmasters hayashi ha shitoryu karate in india your article on japanese and okinawa styles is very enlighting for me. Try to use full force when executing each maneuver. Saifa, 4. They couldn't care less whether your stances/form looked pretty, as long as you could show that you understood the PRINCIPLE. In contrast, the modern karate spaces are sportier and fancy in looks. I have also trained this way myself. What struck me most (and also feature as key points in your article) are the competitive nature of Japanese karate styles (I used to enjoy competing in point based tournaments in my younger years), when compared to the non-sport nature of Okinawan styles. They call this move the "fente". I learned much that I never came across during 5 years of training in Shorei-Kan Goju-Ryu back in the 70's. commercial dojo to teachothers about traditions of Okinawa martial arts, Now, Im not saying Okinawan Karate is an art with weapons. You need to experience the "FEELING" not only saying the "TERM".. The technique encoded in the form/kata is basically identical despite the stylistic differences between Shaolin Kung-Fu and Shotokan and Shorin. He chose to name the school using the first kanji characters from both masters names Matsu () and the style is pronounced in Japanese Matsubayashi (). Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. * A few words on Shotokan. Ancestor schools. The opponent has essentially no options in the position he is in. *ancient monk Boddhidarma, possibly Finger lock applied with hanbo*Jujutsu *is a combat art developed by It was very helpful for me which was a very old karate lover since 1972 . I would love to do as you did and travel to the Okinawa to train with the masters. These days, most Karate dojos in Okinawa practice verylittle Kobudo. For example, aJapanese sensei will go very deep in details of a kata. meaning. Hi Jesse, Robert Sullivan from GKR Karate back again. Move your back leg forward so that the back knee is tucked in to the back of the front knee. As you can see, there is quite a variety of stances in Karate. the only way to do "KARATE". It would be fun to compare and contrast the articles. At the *Seiyo no Shorin-Ryu Karat *Training in traditional martial arts can provide individuals with It is a traditional martial art that was handed down from the founder Sensei Chojun Miyagi to his student Sensei Anichi Miyagi and then to Sensei Morio Higaonna in an unbroken line, which means the art has not been diluted or embellished through the generations like many other martial arts have. You are espousing knowledge that is to be taken as fact. [bow] :-. (2)I made some comments based on my understanding of Okinawan vs. Japanese karate. Generally no. I have always wanted to go back and get a higher belt (not that the belt really matters). The International Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-do Federation (IOGKF) is the largest traditional Okinawan Karate organization in the world. I now understand - we just have different training and understanding. Any insight into how you're finding the balance would be appreciated! Shotokan is known for its direct and efficient linear strikes, strong blocks and . When I started reading the history of karate, the strength, enthusiasm, and devotion of these indigenous people astounded me to my core. Lets put it this way. Keep up your way! Imagine you are striking someone in the chest area with the blade of your arm. The kata have wide stances, both Okinawan and Japanese. And one thing I would like to add is that you can really say Okinawan karate practitioner from others by their fore-arms ( fist to elbow). But why Japanese Karate is more INTL than Okinawan? This famous Okinawan karate school has posters of various Naha-te masters with calligraphy and has a simple wooden interior. The elbow is hyperextended and a chest bump will drop the opponent. arts nor has as much expertise as our instructors! Congrats! But in Okinawan Karate its still being practiced. But the modern karate forms are used more as a form of sport, close combats, and competitions, in which the main goal is to win the game or score points. Great article. In some Chinese arts, this was done for that reason, but in many cases it was done for grappling applications. He was such a brilliant teacher that one of his students, Chojun Miyagi, learned from him and developed his own art form named Goju Ryu. You get to experience all of this with "mass training". Dear Jesse, I was never impressed. 0:10. I'd salute by the O-word, but it's not in my style. might get it wrong. You probably understand your style of Karate to a fairly high degree and what you say about your Okinawan art I do not doubt. I am going to Tokyo and Okinawa in October. The energy of your body, your movement, also the power of your spirit, your concentration. (I think I didnt reach to ten, ha!) All rights reserved. Move your arms slightly forward, with fists closed and elbows slightly bent (if used for Yoi). Most people dont know this, but Japanese Karate practitioners actually changed many kata and added tons of new kumite techniques, for the sole purpose of scoring points in competitions. Keep up with the info, it is very useful and instructive. I have trained in Okinawan Karate (Isshinryu) and most of our kicks were always below the waist. At all. As you might have figured out by now, Okinawan Karate has many unique quirks. (Long Stance/Lunge Punch - Same Hand Punch)-Zenkutsu Dachi/Gyaku Tsuki (Long Stance/Reverse Punch)-Zenkutsu Dachi/Mae Geri (Long . As you might understood from reading my name i come from the Netherlands, in my country Shotokan Karate is the most popular style. Regards from South Africa. If you're a . I do taekwondo but love watching you on YouTube and am interested in karate. Like many other forms of Martial Arts, Karate focuses on a belt ranking system, mental strength, coordination and respect. No. Okinawan martial arts refers to martial arts, such as karate, tegumi and Okinawan kobud, which originated among the indigenous people of Okinawa. Or simply "the lunge". Attacks to vital areas. He cannot fight and cannot disengage. The knee is positioned to take advantage of that fact. If you want to be a good swimmer, you must swim. It was very clear. We don't use your nomenclature. best wishes for all instructors & all student This website uses cookies to help us give you the best experience when you visit our website. The point of the stance is to reach forward and stab the opponent. The most important "aspect" of any martial art is the "person" that is training. Bend your front knee so that it prevents you from seeing your front foot. of breaking rocks over the years, *Konnichiwa*! Karate is practiced in every subcontinent. I respect the author's piece, especially since the Japanese karates evolved out of the Okinawan karates, to do a little synthesis, liking to the author's "Karate-Tree Piece." But I think also things vary between federations and Dojo's. Very well explained!!! In one word my feeling is that Okinawan Karate reamins unchanged faithful to his roots. The stances of Okinawan Karate are meant to bepractical when applied in self-defense, sincethey can be quickly and effortlessly reached from your everyday stance. Chotoku Kyanhad a large influence on the styles of Karate that would becomeShorin-ryu(). Ok about the term "kime": My opinion about it was for years the combined meaning as "Ki" (Power, Spirit, Energy) and "Me" (meaning something like "pointed"). How to Perform the Ten Basic Okinawan Karate Moves. Ian, you're still right.This Martial World has become so 'commercial'. I'm assuming the Japanese Karateka are saying it like I said "Oorah" in the Marine Corps, which is just dumb. There is a place for both. It'The stance allows you to reach far and generate a great deal of power as you move forward. First of all, the movements are so damn strenuous and need lots of corrections in order to do with the correct form and proper execution. However we do not embellish our kata by adding any extra movements what is different is usually the execution. We teach several applications with the idea to always think "What could I do with this technique, how many applications are there or is there a limit. So, I wouldn't get too dogmatic about where the actual roots come from. While it taught me many great things, it was focused on tournament and exhibition. Karate Stances - A Perfect Karate Foundation: Traditional Okinawan Karate Stances Traditional Okinawan Karate Stances Soke Hausel demonstrates yoko geri kokomi (side kick) on the 1.4 billion year old Sherman Granite near Happy Jack, Wyoming. Great job Jesse in explaining and defining the concept of karate roots and applications. Goju-ryuincorporates both circular and linear movements into its basic method, combining hard striking attacks such as kicks and close hand punches with softer open hand circular techniques for attacking, blocking, and controlling the opponent, including locks, grappling, takedowns, and throws. Doumo arigatou gozaimasu! We all have heard about karate since our childhood, but only a few of us know how it actually began. The purpose of Japanese Karate is not aligned with the purpose of Okinawan Karate anymore. They do not care how many degrees the toes should point somewhere, or how wide or long the stance should be. It also has higher stances and teaches throws and locks. This would no doubt help the student to learn TECHNIQUE, which is always important in any endeavor. emailE=('martin' + '@' + emailE) You learn more combat style training. It's not. We do not use very long low stances. I teach this way too. % of people told us that this article helped them. serious in their karate, to understand these differences.. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. Now try explaining that to a mainland Japanese who thinks Kyokushin is the be all or end all of karate. The story of karate begins on Okinawa, the largest of the Ryukyu Islands. Put your feet out at a 45 angle, toes pointing forward. I know that "how" vs. "why". Glad you found what works best for you :-). I trained under a Sensei Jerry Thompson, Goshin Do Karate Do Kyaki, basic style Goju Ryu, at that time he was already a 8th degreee black belt. Wow. having one-on-one attention from, say, a math teacher. Well, I have a lot to say to defend my culture, but I save them for good now. Kyokushin, being a tournament style, is popular in all of Japan (including Okinawa). If you really want to improve your Karate, you should definitely check out this article I wrote about my favorite equipment for training Karate at home. Each Okinawan karate style is derived from either a particular karate masters style or a mix of different masters techniques. In some styles, yes, and in some styles, no. Don't forget that UFC's Lyoto Machida as well as his brothers are Shotokan (Japan Karate Association) practitioners and members and their record speaks for itself. Instructions: Feet are about two shoulder widths apart, toes are facing forward (parallel), Lower your center of gravity by bending your knees forward, Push your knees towards the outside, Keep your back and neck straight, I'm too old already, but even though I'm 71, I wish some day I'll get to live in Okinawa and learn their karate before I die.

okinawan karate stances